How to Do iOS Unit Testing: Ultimate Guide Part - 2

This is an ongoing series on writing Unit tests with best practices where we develop a TODO app with Effective tests.
Apr 28 2022 · 5 min read


This is part 2 of the ongoing series of articles where we keep adding new screen with more complexity.

Checkout part 1 if you haven’t already!

Part 2 — This article covers implementation of Add task screen with unit tests. We will also see how we can navigate back and forth very easily with UIPilot and how to write tests for navigation.

We will have basic app ready at the end of this part.


Alright, let’s get started.

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I have divided this posts into 6 small steps to make explanation easier.

  1. Make UIPilot available in ViewModel
  2. Add button on list screen
  3. Implement Add Task screen UI
  4. Implement Add Task ViewModel
  5. Write tests for Add Task ViewModel
  6. Refresh list screen after task is added

Feel free to jump/skip steps you are already familiar with.

1. Make UIPilot available in ViewModel

We will put navigation logic inside ViewModel, so that we can write unit tests to verify the behavior. UIPilot allows us to do just that and more!

To make the dependency available in the ViewModel, we will have to put it in our DI graph. We already have Assembly for data layer called DataAssembly . Let’s add one for UI layer as well where we can put UI dependencies.

import Swinject
import UIPilot
class UIAssembly: Assembly {
    func assemble(container: Container) {
        container.register(UIPilot<AppRoute>.self) { _ in
            return UIPilot(initial: AppRoute.List)

We moved UIPilot instance creation from ContentView to here. Now let’s update TodoApp class to add this assembly in the DI graph.

struct TodoAppApp: App {
    init() {
        Injector.initGraph([DataAssembly(), UIAssembly()])

Pretty straightforward! Now let’s update ContentView to use UIPilot from DI instead of creating a new one.

struct ContentView: View {
    private let pilot: UIPilot<AppRoute>
    init() {
        pilot = Injector.assembler.resolver.resolve(UIPilot<AppRoute>.self)!

That’s it. Now we can ask Injector for the UIPilot just like any other dependency and thus we are ready to navigate!

2. Add button on list screen

Now let’s add button on List screen to direct to Add Task screen. We will use NavigationBarItem .

struct TaskListView: View {
    @StateObject var viewModel = TaskListVM()
    var body: some View {
        .navigationBarItems(trailing: Button("Add", action: {

On the button click, we are notifying ViewModel with function onAdd . We haven’t defined it yet, let’s do it now.

class TaskListVM: ObservableObject {
    private let taskRepository: TaskRepository
    private let pilot: UIPilot<AppRoute>
    init() {
        taskRepository = Injector.assembler.resolver.resolve(TaskRepository.self)!
        pilot = Injector.assembler.resolver.resolve(UIPilot<AppRoute>.self)!
    func onAdd() {

Let’s understand the change here

  1. In init , we are getting UIPilot from DI and storing it locally, just like TaskRepository .
  2. We have added function onAdd , which simply pushes Add screen to navigation stack.

That’s all changes we needed on list screen in order to show Add task screen. Now let’s go ahead and implement Add Task screen UI.

3. Implement Add Task screen UI

Before we add the view, let’s update our ContentView to map it with actual screen for Add route.

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        UIPilotHost(pilot) { route in
            switch route {
                case .List: return AnyView(TaskListView())
                case .Add: return AnyView(AddTaskView())

Now let’s define AddTaskView

struct AddTaskView: View {
    @StateObject var viewModel = AddTaskVM()
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            TextField("What's on your mind?", text: $viewModel.title)
            HStack {
                Button("Save", action: {
        .navigationTitle("Add task")

Let’s understand above snippets

  1. We have defined AddTaskVM variable as viewModel, which we will define shortly.
  2. View contains a TextField which we will allow user to type task title. We have binded it to ViewModel.title so when user types something, title variable will be automatically updated.
  3. View contains a Button which we will use to save task. On click, we simply call onSave function.

That’s all needed for AddTaskView. Now let’s go ahead and implement ViewModel .

4. Implement Add Task ViewModel

In ViewModel, the main logic is going to be saving task to TaskRepository and then redirecting user back to List screen. We will do this inside onSave function that view will call when user clicks Save button.

class AddTaskVM: ObservableObject {
    private let taskRepository: TaskRepository
    private let pilot: UIPilot<AppRoute>
    @Published var title: String = ""
    init() {
        taskRepository = Injector.assembler.resolver.resolve(TaskRepository.self)!
        pilot = Injector.assembler.resolver.resolve(UIPilot<AppRoute>.self)!
    func onSave() {
        let newTask = Task(id: UUID().uuidString, title: title, isCompleted: false)
        taskRepository.addTask(task: newTask)

Let’s understand above snippet

  1. We have two private variables TaskRepository and UIPilot , both of them are initialized in init constructor as usual.
  2. We have title variable that View will use to bind TextField . It will store Task’s title.
  3. In onSave function, which is called by View on Save button click, we first create a new Task and then call TaskRepository.add function to store it.
  4. Later we call UIPilot.pop function to pop the current route, that is add screen. User will see List once they are done with adding tasks.

TaskViewModel implementation is complete now. It’s time to add some unit tests!

5. Write tests for Add Task ViewModel

The main behavior we want to verify here is of onSave function. We will check two things

  1. onSave function adds task in TaskRepository with correct title
  2. onSave function redirects back to List route.

Let’s start by adding basic test class and defining common variables.

import XCTest
import UIPilot
@testable import TodoApp

class AddTaskVMTest: XCTestCase {
    var viewModel: AddTaskVM!
    var taskRepository: TaskRepository!
    var uipilot: UIPilot<AppRoute>!
    override func setUpWithError() throws {
        viewModel = AddTaskVM()
        taskRepository = Injector.assembler.resolver.resolve(TaskRepository.self)!
        uipilot = Injector.assembler.resolver.resolve(UIPilot<AppRoute>.self)!

We are already familiar with the setup as it’s the same as TaskListVMTest .

Now let’s add test to verify add task behavior.

func testAddTask_OnSaveClick() {
    viewModel.title = "I'm new task"

    let task = taskRepository.getTasks().last!

    XCTAssertEqual("I'm new task", task.title)

This function

  1. Sets title to something we know, so that we can verify it later
  2. Calls ViewModel.onSave to add the task
  3. Gets last task from TaskRepository
  4. Verifies title of the added task is I’m new Task
  5. Verifies task is not complete

Pretty simple assertions!

Now let’s verify navigating behavior

func testPopRoute_OnSaveClick() {
    XCTAssertEqual(AppRoute.Add, uipilot.stack.last)
    XCTAssertEqual(AppRoute.List, uipilot.stack.last)

Could it be any easier?

Here 1. we verify that initial current route is Add screen and then 2. we call onSave to add task. Later 3. we verify that current route is List screen.

That’s all tests we need!


Hope you have basic idea of how unit testing is done in iOS. It’s pretty easy thing to do but most of the time we are scared as a beginner by the new terms thrown at us.

Stay tuned for the next parts of this series where we will write more complex tests for View and Edit screens. Let me know your valuable suggestions and feedback in the comment section below.

Full application source code is available on Github.

Thanks for your support!

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Jimmy Sanghani
Jimmy Sanghani is a tech nomad and cofounder at Canopas helping businesses use new age leverage - Code and Media - to grow their revenue exponentially. With over a decade of experience in both web and mobile app development, he has helped 100+ clients transform their visions into impactful digital solutions. With his team, he's helping clients navigate the digital landscape and achieve their objectives, one successful project at a time.

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Jimmy Sanghani
Jimmy Sanghani is a tech nomad and cofounder at Canopas helping businesses use new age leverage - Code and Media - to grow their revenue exponentially. With over a decade of experience in both web and mobile app development, he has helped 100+ clients transform their visions into impactful digital solutions. With his team, he's helping clients navigate the digital landscape and achieve their objectives, one successful project at a time.

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