Live Streaming and Audio Equalizer with ExoPlayer in Jetpack Compose

Live Streaming and Audio Equalizer with ExoPlayer in Jetpack Compose
Dec 19 2023 · 11 min read


ExoPlayer, coupled with the capabilities of Media3, offers a robust solution for playing multimedia content in Android applications. In this tutorial, we’ll go through setting up ExoPlayer with Media3 to support live streaming using M3U8 URLs. Additionally, we’ll explore how to integrate an audio equalizer to provide users with a personalized audio experience.

Live streaming with ExoPlayer involves the real-time playback of multimedia content over the internet using the powerful capabilities of the ExoPlayer library. 

In this exploration, we’ll delve into the intricacies of how ExoPlayer facilitates the seamless playback of live-stream URLs, offering an immersive experience for users.

What we’ll implement in this blog?

The source code is available on GitHub.


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How Live Streaming Works with ExoPlayer?

Live streaming using ExoPlayer revolves around efficiently handling the transmission of audio and video content in real-time. The process encompasses several key stages:

  1. Content Source: The live content, whether it’s a sports event, a concert, or a news broadcast, is captured using cameras and microphones. This live feed is then made available for streaming.
  2. Encoding: The captured content is encoded into a digital format suitable for streaming. This involves compressing and converting the raw audio and video data into a format compatible with streaming protocols.
  3. Streaming Server: The encoded data is sent to a streaming server, acting as a central hub. This server manages the live content distribution to multiple viewers by sending data packets to their devices.
  4. ExoPlayer Integration: ExoPlayer, with its robust capabilities, is integrated into the application to handle the playback of the live stream. The application fetches the live stream URL and configures ExoPlayer to handle the streaming protocol (such as HLS or DASH).
  5. Viewer’s Device: Users access the live stream through various devices, including smartphones, tablets, computers, or smart TVs. The ExoPlayer instance on the viewer’s device decodes the received data, enabling them to watch or listen to the live content in real-time.

Setting Up ExoPlayer for Live Streaming

To integrate ExoPlayer into our application for live streaming, we need to follow these key steps:

Add Dependencies

Include the necessary dependencies in the project’s build.gradle file:

// Exoplayer dependencies

These dependencies ensure that the application can leverage the features of ExoPlayer for live streaming.

Create ExoPlayerManager

We’ll create a manager class to handle ExoPlayer instances. This ensures a single-player instance throughout the app’s lifecycle.

object ExoPlayerManager {
    private var exoPlayer: ExoPlayer? = null

    fun getExoPlayer(context: Context): ExoPlayer {
        if (exoPlayer == null) {
            exoPlayer = ExoPlayer.Builder(context).build()
        return exoPlayer!!

    fun releaseExoPlayer() {
        exoPlayer = null

Initialize ExoPlayer

Within your Composable function, initialize ExoPlayer with a sample HLS stream URL:

fun LiveStreamingScreen() {

    // Obtain the current context and lifecycle owner using LocalContext and LocalLifecycleOwner
    val context = LocalContext.current
    val lifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current

    // Remember the ExoPlayer instance to persist across recompositions
    val exoPlayer = remember { ExoPlayerManager.getExoPlayer(context) }

    // Launch an effect to initialize ExoPlayer and set up the media source
    LaunchedEffect(key1 = Unit) {

        // Create a data source factory for handling media requests
        val dataSourceFactory = DefaultHttpDataSource.Factory()

        // Define the URI for the sample HLS stream
        val uri = Uri.Builder()
        val mediaItem = MediaItem.Builder().setUri(uri).build()

        // Create an HlsMediaSource from the media item for handling HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) content 
        val internetVideoSource =


        // Will be used in later implementation for Equalizer

    // ...

Display ExoPlayer View

Integrate the ExoPlayer view into your Composable function

// ...
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        modifier =
                .padding(top = 16.dp)
        factory = {
            PlayerView(context).apply {
                // Connect the ExoPlayer instance to the PlayerView
                player = exoPlayer
                // Configure ExoPlayer settings
                exoPlayer.repeatMode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ONE
                exoPlayer.playWhenReady = false
                useController = true
// ...

Observe Lifecycle Events and Release Resources

Set up DisposableEffects to observe lifecycle events and release the ExoPlayer when the composable is disposed:

// ...
// Observe lifecycle events (e.g., app resume and pause)
// and adjust ExoPlayer's playback state accordingly.
DisposableEffect(key1 = lifecycleOwner) {
    val observer = LifecycleEventObserver { _, event ->
        if (event == Lifecycle.Event.ON_RESUME) {
            exoPlayer.playWhenReady = true
        } else if (event == Lifecycle.Event.ON_PAUSE) {
            exoPlayer.playWhenReady = false
    onDispose {

// Release the ExoPlayer when the composable is disposed
// This helps in proper resource management
DisposableEffect(key1 = Unit) {
    onDispose { ExoPlayerManager.releaseExoPlayer() }
// ...

With the above code, we have successfully set up ExoPlayer for live streaming! You can check out the final code from here.

Setting Up Audio Equalizer

Now, let’s explore how to integrate an audio equalizer into an Exoplayer setup using Jetpack Compose. This will allow users to customize the audio experience by adjusting preset equalizer settings or creating a custom equalizer configuration.

An audio equalizer enhances the user experience by providing fine-grained control over the audio output.

Add Dependencies

Include the necessary dependencies in your project’s build.gradle file:



These dependencies ensure that your application can leverage the features of the Hilt for dependency injection and Gson for efficiently storing complex data in preferences.

Define Equalizer Presets and Gain Values

We define a set of presets, such as “Flat,” “Acoustic,” and “Rock,” each with corresponding gain values that control the audio frequencies. These presets will serve as starting points for users to customize their audio experience.

// Equalizer presets and gain values
val effectType = arrayListOf(
    "Custom", "Flat", "Acoustic", "Dance",
    "Hip Hop", "Jazz", "Pop", "Rock", "Podcast"

// Constants for presets
const val PRESET_CUSTOM = 0
const val PRESET_FLAT = 1
const val PRESET_ACOUSTIC = 2
const val PRESET_HIP_HOP = 4
const val PRESET_JAZZ_BLUES = 5
const val PRESET_POP = 6
const val PRESET_ROCK = 7
const val PRESET_PODCAST = 8

// Gain values for each preset
val FLAT = arrayListOf(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
val ACOUSTIC = arrayListOf(0.44, 0.12, 0.12, 0.34, 0.2)
val DANCE = arrayListOf(0.52, 0.08, 0.28, 0.48, 0.06)
val HIP_HOPE = arrayListOf(0.44, 0.06, -0.14, 0.1, 0.38)
val JAZZ = arrayListOf(0.32, 0.0, 0.22, 0.1, 0.2)
val POP = arrayListOf(-0.14, 0.28, 0.38, 0.22, -0.2)
val ROCK = arrayListOf(0.38, 0.2, -0.04, 0.02, 0.34)
val PODCAST = arrayListOf(-0.12, 0.26, 0.36, 0.16, -0.2)

Create Audio Effect Data Class

The AudioEffects data class holds crucial information about the selected effect type and the corresponding gain values. This data class acts as a bridge between user preferences and the actual implementation of the audio equalizer.

// Data class representing audio effects configuration
data class AudioEffects(
    var selectedEffectType: Int = 0,
    var gainValues: ArrayList<Double>

Here, selectedEffectType represents the chosen audio preset, and gainValues store the customized gain values for different frequency bands. This data class encapsulates the user's audio preferences.

Create AppModule for Dependency Injection

For clean and modular dependency injection, we introduce the AppModule. This module, annotated with @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class), provides essential dependencies such as Gson and SharedPreferences.

class AppModule {
    fun provideGson(): Gson {
        val gsonBuilder = GsonBuilder()
        return gsonBuilder.create()

    fun provideAudioEffectPreferences(application: Application): SharedPreferences {
        return application.getSharedPreferences(AUDIO_EFFECT_PREFERENCES, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)

In this module, provideGson offers a singleton instance of Gson, while provideAudioEffectPreferences provides a named SharedPreferences instance specifically for audio effect preferences. This module will be crucial for managing dependencies throughout the application.

Implement Equalizer Preferences with SharedPreferences and Gson

To provide a seamless user experience, we’ll utilize SharedPreferences to persist user preferences related to the audio equalizer. Additionally, we use GSON for efficient data serialization, allowing us to convert complex data structures into a format that can be easily stored and retrieved. By creating an EqualizerPreferences class, we ensure that users don't have to set their equalizer preferences repeatedly.

const val AUDIO_EFFECT_PREFERENCES = "audio_effect_preferences"

private const val AUDIO_EFFECT_IS_EQUALIZER_ENABLED = "is_equalizer_enabled"
private const val AUDIO_EFFECT_EQUALIZER_SETTING = "equalizer_audio_effect"
private const val AUDIO_EFFECT_LOWEST_BAND_LEVEL = "equalizer_lowest_band_level"

class EqualizerPreferences
@Inject constructor(
    @param:Named(AUDIO_EFFECT_PREFERENCES) private val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences,
    private val gson: Gson
) {

    var isEqualizerEnabled: Boolean
        get() = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(AUDIO_EFFECT_IS_EQUALIZER_ENABLED, false)
        set(isEnable) = sharedPreferences.edit()
            .putBoolean(AUDIO_EFFECT_IS_EQUALIZER_ENABLED, isEnable).apply()

    // Getting and setting the user's audio preferences
    var audioEffects: AudioEffects?
        get() {
            val json = sharedPreferences.getString(AUDIO_EFFECT_EQUALIZER_SETTING, null)
            if (json != null) {
                try {
                    return gson.fromJson(json,
                } catch (t: Throwable) {
            return null
        set(audioEffects) {
            var json: String? = null
            if (audioEffects != null) {
                json = gson.toJson(audioEffects)
            sharedPreferences.edit().putString(AUDIO_EFFECT_EQUALIZER_SETTING, json).apply()

    var lowestBandLevel: Int
        get() = sharedPreferences.getInt(AUDIO_EFFECT_LOWEST_BAND_LEVEL, 0)
        set(value) = sharedPreferences.edit().putInt(AUDIO_EFFECT_LOWEST_BAND_LEVEL, value).apply()

Here, GSON plays a crucial role in converting our AudioEffects data class to a JSON string for storage in SharedPreferences. This ensures a seamless and efficient way to store and retrieve complex data structures.

Create an Audio Equalizer ViewModel

Build a robust AudioEqualizerViewModel responsible for managing the audio equalizer logic. This ViewModel initializes the equalizer, handles preset selections, and updates settings based on user interactions.

class AudioEqualizerViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val equalizerPreferences: EqualizerPreferences
) : ViewModel() {

    // MutableStateFlow to observe and emit changes in audio effects
    val audioEffects = MutableStateFlow<AudioEffects?>(null)

    // Instance of the Equalizer class from the Android system library
    private var equalizer: Equalizer? = null

    // MutableStateFlow to observe and emit changes in the equalizer's enable/disable state
    val enableEqualizer = MutableStateFlow(false)

    // Unique audio session ID associated with the Exoplayer
    private var audioSessionId = 0

    init {
        // Retrieve and set the initial equalizer enable/disable state and audio effects from preferences
        enableEqualizer.value = equalizerPreferences.isEqualizerEnabled

        if (audioEffects.value == null) {
            audioEffects.tryEmit(AudioEffects(PRESET_FLAT, FLAT))

    // Will be called when exoplayer instance is created and we have audioSessionId
    fun onStart(sessionId: Int) {
        audioSessionId = sessionId
        equalizer?.enabled = enableEqualizer.value
        equalizer = Equalizer(Int.MAX_VALUE, audioSessionId)
        // Set the lowest band level based on the equalizer's capabilities
        equalizerPreferences.lowestBandLevel = equalizer?.bandLevelRange?.get(0)?.toInt() ?: 0
        // Apply gain values to the equalizer based on the stored audio effects
        audioEffects.value?.gainValues?.forEachIndexed { index, value ->
            val bandLevel = (value * 1000).toInt().toShort()
            equalizer?.setBandLevel(index.toShort(), bandLevel)

    // Method called when a preset is selected
    fun onSelectPreset(presetPosition: Int) {
        // Return if no audio effects are available
        if (audioEffects.value == null) return

        // Determine the gain values based on the selected preset
        val gain = if (presetPosition == PRESET_CUSTOM) {
        } else {

        // Update the audio effects with the selected preset and gain values
        audioEffects.tryEmit(AudioEffects(presetPosition, gain))
        equalizerPreferences.audioEffects = audioEffects.value

        // Apply the gain values to the equalizer
        equalizer?.apply {
            gain.forEachIndexed { index, value ->
                val bandLevel = (value * 1000).toInt().toShort()
                setBandLevel(index.toShort(), bandLevel)

    // Method called when a specific band level is changed by the user
    fun onBandLevelChanged(changedBand: Int, newGainValue: Int) {
        // Retrieve the lowest band level from preferences
        val lowest = equalizerPreferences.lowestBandLevel

        // Calculate the new band level
        val bandLevel =

        // Apply the new band level to the equalizer
        equalizer?.setBandLevel(changedBand.toShort(), bandLevel.toShort())
        val list = ArrayList(audioEffects.value!!.gainValues)
        list[changedBand] = (newGainValue.toDouble() / 1000)
        equalizerPreferences.audioEffects = audioEffects.value

    // Method called to toggle the equalizer's enable/disable state
    fun toggleEqualizer() {
        equalizer?.enabled = enableEqualizer.value
        equalizerPreferences.isEqualizerEnabled = enableEqualizer.value
        if (!enableEqualizer.value) {
            audioEffects.tryEmit(AudioEffects(PRESET_FLAT, FLAT))
            equalizerPreferences.audioEffects = audioEffects.value

    // Method to retrieve gain values for a specific preset
    private fun getPresetGainValue(index: Int): List<Double> {
        return when (index) {
            PRESET_FLAT -> FLAT
            PRESET_HIP_HOP -> HIP_HOPE
            PRESET_POP -> POP
            PRESET_ROCK -> ROCK
            else -> FLAT

This ViewModel efficiently manages the audio equalizer’s state, handles user interactions, and ensures that user preferences are persisted using SharedPreferences.

Develop Equalizer SwitchView, PresetsView & EqualizerView Composable

Design a user-friendly Equalizer Switch, EqualizerViewandPresetsView composable to allow users to visualize and adjust equalizer settings. The switch will allow users to enable/disable the audio settings using Equalizer and EqualizerView will include sliders for different frequency bands, providing a highly customizable audio experience. PresetsView will contain some pre-defined effect types to apply directly to the equalizer.

Switch View

    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
    horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceBetween,
    verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
) {
        text = stringResource(R.string.equalizer_title_text),
        fontSize = MaterialTheme.typography.titleLarge.fontSize,
        fontWeight = FontWeight.SemiBold,
        color = Color.White

        checked = enableEqualizer,
        onCheckedChange = { 
            // Toggle the equalizer's enable/disable state
        colors =
                checkedTrackColor = Color.Black,
                checkedIconColor = Color.Black,
                uncheckedTrackColor = Color.White,
                uncheckedBorderColor = Color.Black,


fun EqualizerView(viewModel: AudioEqualizerViewModel) {

    // Frequency labels for the equalizer bands
    val xAxisLabels = listOf("60Hz", "230Hz", "910Hz", "3kHz", "14kHz")

    // Collect the current state of audio effects from the ViewModel
    val audioEffects by viewModel.audioEffects.collectAsState()

    // Column layout to arrange UI elements vertically
        modifier = Modifier
            .graphicsLayer {
                // Rotate the entire column to display frequency labels/sliders vertically
                rotationZ = 270f
        verticalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly,
        horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
    ) {
        // Iterate through frequency labels and create corresponding UI elements
        for (index in xAxisLabels.indices) {
                modifier = Modifier
                    .padding(top = 20.dp)
            ) {
                // Each frequency label and its corresponding slider are placed in a Box
                Box {
                    // Display the frequency label with rotation
                        text = xAxisLabels[index],
                        modifier = Modifier
                        color = Color.White,
                        fontSize = 8.sp,
                        textAlign = TextAlign.Start

                    // Slider component for adjusting the gain value of each frequency band
                        modifier = Modifier
                            .offset(x = 20.dp),
                        // Bind the slider value to the corresponding gain value from the ViewModel
                        value = audioEffects!!.gainValues[index].times(1000f).toFloat()
                            .coerceIn(-3000f, 3000f),
                        onValueChange = {
                            // Notify the ViewModel when a slider value changes
                            viewModel.onBandLevelChanged(index, it.toInt())
                        valueRange = -3000f..3000f,
                        colors = SliderDefaults.colors(
                            thumbColor = Color.Black,
                            activeTrackColor = Color.Black,
                            inactiveTrackColor = Color.White
                        thumb = {
                            // Customized appearance of the slider's thumb
                                modifier = Modifier
                                    .background(Color.Black, CircleShape)


fun PresetsView(viewModel: AudioEqualizerViewModel) {
    // Collect the current state of audio effects from the ViewModel
    val audioEffects by viewModel.audioEffects.collectAsState()

    // Group the effect types into chunks of 4 for layout
    val groupedList = effectType.chunked(4)

    // Row containing the title and dividers
        verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
    ) {
            modifier = Modifier
            color = Color.White,
            thickness = 1.dp

        // Title text
            text = stringResource(R.string.presets_title_text),
            fontSize = MaterialTheme.typography.titleMedium.fontSize,
            fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium,
            color = Color.White,
            modifier = Modifier
            textAlign = TextAlign.Center

            modifier = Modifier
            color = Color.White,
            thickness = 1.dp

    Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(20.dp))

    // Iterate through grouped effect types and create UI elements
    for (itemList in groupedList) {
            modifier = Modifier
        ) {
            // Calculate padding and spacing based on screen width
            val horizontalPadding =
                if (maxWidth < 320.dp) 8.dp else if (maxWidth > 400.dp) 40.dp else 20.dp
            val horizontalSpacing = if (maxWidth > 400.dp) 24.dp else 16.dp

            // Row containing individual preset items
                modifier = Modifier
                    .padding(vertical = 8.dp),
                horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(
                    space = horizontalSpacing,
                    alignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
                verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
            ) {
                for (item in itemList) {
                    // Get the index of the current item
                    val index by remember {

                    // Create a clickable preset item
                        modifier = Modifier
                                if (index == audioEffects?.selectedEffectType) Color.White else Color.Black,
                            .clickable {
                                // Notify the ViewModel when a preset is selected
                            .background(if (index == audioEffects?.selectedEffectType) Color.Black else Color.White),
                        contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
                    ) {
                        // Display the preset item text
                            text = item,
                            style = MaterialTheme.typography.bodySmall,
                            modifier = Modifier
                                    horizontal = horizontalPadding,
                                    vertical = 12.dp
                            fontSize = 14.sp,
                            color = if (index == audioEffects?.selectedEffectType) Color.White else Color.Black,
                            maxLines = 1,
                            overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis

Now, let’s call the above functions from the parent composable with AnimatedVisibility!

fun AudioEqualizerScreen() {
    val viewModel = hiltViewModel<AudioEqualizerViewModel>()

    val enableEqualizer by viewModel.enableEqualizer.collectAsState()

    Column {
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
            horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceBetween,
            verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
        ) {
                text = stringResource(R.string.equalizer_title_text),
                fontSize = MaterialTheme.typography.titleLarge.fontSize,
                fontWeight = FontWeight.SemiBold,
                color = Color.White

                checked = enableEqualizer,
                onCheckedChange = { viewModel.toggleEqualizer() },
                colors =
                        checkedTrackColor = Color.Black,
                        checkedIconColor = Color.Black,
                        uncheckedTrackColor = Color.White,
                        uncheckedBorderColor = Color.Black,

            visible = enableEqualizer,
            enter = fadeIn() + slideInVertically { fullHeight -> -fullHeight / 2 },
            exit = fadeOut() + slideOutVertically { fullHeight -> -fullHeight / 3 }
        ) {
            EqualizerView(viewModel = viewModel)

            visible = enableEqualizer,
            enter = fadeIn() + slideInVertically { fullHeight -> -fullHeight / 2 },
            exit = fadeOut() + slideOutVertically { fullHeight -> -fullHeight / 2 }
        ) {

The source code is available on GitHub.


In this blog post, we’ve laid the foundation for setting up ExoPlayer for live streaming and integrating an audio equalizer in a Jetpack Compose application. This combination provides a seamless user experience for streaming audio with customizable equalizer settings.

Feel free to expand on this codebase to add more features and enhance the overall user experience of your multimedia application.

Happy coding!

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Megh Lath
Android developer | Sharing knowledge of Jetpack Compose & android development

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Megh Lath
Android developer | Sharing knowledge of Jetpack Compose & android development

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