Have you ever come across a situation when you needed the same component in more than one project? One of the possible ways is to create a reusable component library so you can use these components at multiple places easily.
Nuxt-blog-kit is a component library that includes reusable blog components like Blog Lists, Details, and Author’s blog. You can easily use them by providing your blog data. You can visit it for a demo.
Nuxt-module is very helpful when creating any type of library in Nuxt. With the power of the Nuxt modules and tailwind CSS, let’s dive into the guide to creating a Nuxt component library.
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To create a Nuxt module, run the following command,
npx nuxi init -t module <library-name>
This command will ask you some questions, answer them based on your preferences and you will have ready to run module. You can see the directory structure of the module is different from the Nuxt project.
is similar to Nuxt-project. You can add stores, assets, components, and pages inside it.nuxt.config.js
. You can do model configuration inside it.As we have seen, module.ts is the main file of our module. We need to understand its structure.
Below is the default module.ts file,
import { defineNuxtModule, addPlugin, createResolver } from '@nuxt/kit'
// Module options TypeScript interface definition
export interface ModuleOptions {}
export default defineNuxtModule<ModuleOptions>({
meta: {
name: 'my-module',
configKey: 'myModule'
// Default configuration options of the Nuxt module
defaults: {},
setup (options, nuxt) {
const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url)
// Do not add the extension since the `.ts` will be transpiled to `.mjs` after `npm run prepack`
As we are building a component library, we need to add different configurations instead of addPlugin
Nuxt-module has an option like addComponentsDir
which will register a directory to be scanned for components and imported only when used.
Add the below code at a place of addPlugin,
await addComponentsDir({
path: resolver.resolve("./runtime/components"), // path of components
pathPrefix: false, // Prefix component name by its path.
prefix: "", // Prefix all matched components.
global: true, // Registers components to be globally available.
You can explore more options at nuxt-schema.
Assets (path: src/runtime/assets)
Assets can be images, css/JS, or fonts. You can add them at src/runtime/assets.
Nuxt uses nitro as a server engine. You can configure public assets with nitro for better optimization in your module like the below,
nuxt.hook("nitro:config", async (nitroConfig) => {
// if not already available, intialize as empty array
nitroConfig.publicAssets ||= [];
dir: resolver.resolve("./runtime/assets"), // path of assets
maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, // cache assets for 1 year
The basic setup is done, let’s configure tailwind css.
You can configure tailwind CSS the same as any nuxt project. Install the @nuxt/tailwindcss module and configure it in your module.
As we are configuring modules in the nuxt.config.js
file, the same way Nuxt-module provides options to configure modules and other options in the module.ts
@nuxt/tailwindcss is a module and we need to configure it in our module. Here is the code of module.ts,
You can add multiple modules like @pinia/nuxt or nuxt-icon.
Generating output.css
instead of postcss will be a better choice for external CSS.
You can use the below command to generate output.css,
tailwindcss -i src/runtime/assets/css/style.css -o ./dist/output.css --minify
We need to push this CSS to module options to make available it to the dependent projects.
Note: Reason for using ./output.css
instead of ./dist/output.css
is, that when a dependent project uses our module, the default path of this will be ./dist
It is possible that every dependent project does not use Tailwind CSS. It is worth installing the module with the build so it will be available for non-tailwind projects also.
Nuxt-module has an installModule option for this requirement. You can install as many as required modules using this option.
await installModule("@nuxtjs/tailwindcss", {
configPath: resolver.resolve("./runtime/tailwind.config.js"),
Head into the main part of our module, components !!
Inside src/runtime, create components directory. You can simply create nuxt-components or use a storybook or other options for creating components.
Below is a sample component for blog content,
<script setup>
const props = defineProps({
content: {
type: Object,
required: true,
code {
user-select: text;
For more detailed components, Review available blog components and their guideline.
Now, this is the time to explore playground
directory for running and reviewing components.
Playground’s directory structure is the same as a simple nuxt-project, which includes nuxt.config
You can see your module inside it as below,
// nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: ['../src/module'],
myModule: {},
devtools: { enabled: true }
Add your component inside app.vue
for testing as below,
<!-- app.vue -->
<BlogContent :content="your-html-content" />
<script setup>
For running the playground, you need to build your module and tailwind CSS.
Build css and generate output.css for playground,
tailwindcss -i src/runtime/assets/css/style.css -o ./src/output.css --minify
should be in src
for the playground, as it is using src/module.ts
not dist
Then prepare build for playground using,
npm run dev:prepare
Run npm run dev
, and you will see your component at http://localhost:3000
Make necessary changes in your component and make it ready to publish.
This is the time to showcase your innovation!!
Create your account on npm.js and follow the below steps for publishing the library on npm.
npm login
from CLI. Add username and password and you will be successfully logged in.// build module
npm run dev:prepare
// build css
tailwindcss -i src/runtime/assets/css/style.css -o ./dist/output.css --minify
npm publish
. You can add scope(private or public) for your module.It's obvious to test your creation before it goes live. NPM also provides this facility using the link command.
After building your module and css, you can create a local npm package for your module. Inside your module run,
npm link
Then in your dependent project, run
npm link <your-module>
Add your module inside nuxt.config’s modules options like below,
modules: [
Voila!! Components from your module are available globally inside your project. If everything works fine, publish it and make it available to others.
Creating and publishing a Nuxt component library opens up a world of possibilities for both developers and users. Throughout this article, we’ve explored the essential steps to create and publish a Nuxt component library, from setting up a Nuxt project to structuring and organizing components to publishing the library for widespread use.
We’re Grateful to have you with us on this journey!
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Keep exploring and innovating!!
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