Golang: 14 Shorthand Tricks You Might Not Know!

Time-Saving Tricks…
Dec 8 2023 · 5 min read


Are you ready to take your Golang skills to the next level?

Let’s delve into the realm of time-saving tricks, unveiling a collection of shorthand secrets that will transform the way you code — because programming just got a whole lot cooler!

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1. Declare And Initialize A Variable In One Line

// Long form
var message string
message = "Hello, Golang!"

// Shorthand
message := "Hello, Golang!"

Benefit: This shorthand not only reduces redundancy but also enhances code readability, making it a go-to technique for efficient variable handling.

Use Case: Whether it’s initializing loop counters, capturing return values, or setting up quick variables, this shorthand trick proves invaluable for cleaner and more expressive code.

2. Declare and Initialize Multiple Variables

// Long form
var a, b, c int
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3

// Shorthand
a, b, c := 1, 2, 3

Benefit: Declaring and initializing multiple variables in a single line enhances code clarity and reduces redundancy.

Use Case: Whether it’s setting up multiple flags, configuring different parameters, or initializing counters in a loop, this shorthand trick simplifies the process and enhances the overall readability of your code.

3. Swap Values Between Variables

a, b := 1, 2

// Long form
temp := a
a = b
b = temp

// Shorthand
a, b = b, a

Benefit: This shorthand trick eliminates the need for a temporary variable, bringing simplicity and clarity to your code.

Use Case: Whether it’s sorting algorithms, toggling between states, or rearranging data, this trick reduces the lines of code needed for a swap operation, resulting in cleaner and more efficient code.

4. Defer a Function Call

// Long form
func cleanup() {
    // Cleanup logic
defer cleanup()

// Shorthand
defer func() {
    // Cleanup logic

Benefit: This shorthand enhances code readability and ensures that necessary actions are taken at the right time.

Use Case: It’s particularly handy for releasing resources, closing files, or handling cleanup operations.

This shorthand not only simplifies the structure of your code but also promotes more robust and maintainable Golang programs.

5. Check for Existence in a Map

// Long form
value, exists := myMap[key]
if !exists {
    // Key doesn't exist in the map

// Shorthand
if value, exists := myMap[key]; !exists {
    // Key doesn't exist in the map

Benefit: Efficiently check if a key exists in a map, simplifying conditional logic for map operations.

Use Case: Whether it’s avoiding panics or customizing behavior based on the map content, this idiom enhances the efficiency and clarity of your code.

6. Loop Over Slices with Index and Value

// Long form
for i := 0; i < len(numbers); i++ {
    fmt.Println(i, numbers[i])

// Shorthand
for i, value := range numbers {
    fmt.Println(i, value)

Benefit: This concise idiom enhances code readability and is particularly useful when you need both the position and the content of each element.

Use Case: Whether it’s modifying elements, tracking positions, or performing complex logic based on the index and value, this idiom streamlines the process and makes your code more expressive.

7. Check for Errors

// Long form
result, err := someFunction()
if err != nil {
    // Handle the error

// Shorthand
if result, err := someFunction(); err != nil {
    // Handle the error

Benefit: In error handling, it promotes code clarity and reduces verbosity.

Use Case: Whether it’s file operations, network requests, or any function that may return an error, this idiom ensures that error handling is an integral part of your code without sacrificing clarity.

8. Initialize A Variable With Zero-Value

// Long form
var count int

// Shorthand
count := 0

Initialize variables with default zero values, improving code clarity and reducing redundancy.

Benefit: By declaring variables without explicitly assigning values, Go allows automatic zero-value assignment, reducing redundancy in your code.

Use Case: Whether it’s initializing counters, creating placeholder variables, or setting up default configurations, Golang’s automatic zero-value assignment simplifies the process, making your code more succinct and maintainable.

9. Create a Pointer to a Variable

// Long form
var x int
ptr := &x

// Shorthand
ptr := new(int)

Benefit: The new keyword allows you to declare and initialize a pointer in a single line, enhancing code readability and efficiency.

Use Case: When you need to work with pointers in Golang, this shorthand trick is invaluable.

Whether it’s dynamically allocating memory, passing variables by reference, or creating structures with pointers, this idiom streamlines the process and ensures a more concise representation of your code.

10. Anonymous Functions

// Long form
func add(x, y int) int {
    return x + y

// Shorthand
add := func(x, y int) int {
    return x + y

Benefit: It allows you to define functions without explicit names, promoting concise and purpose-specific code.

Use Case: Anonymous functions are often used for short-lived operations, callbacks, or as arguments to higher-order functions.

They are perfect for one-off tasks, callbacks in asynchronous operations, or providing functionality on the fly. This shorthand enhances the expressiveness and modularity of your code.

11. Create and Initialize Struct Instance At Once

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

// Long form
person : Person{}
person.Name = "John"
person.Age = 30

// Shorthand
person := Person{Name: "John", Age: 30}

Benefit: This idiom enhances code clarity and reduces redundancy in Golang programs.

Use Case: When dealing with complex data structures represented by structs, initializing them in a single line is efficient.

Whether it’s defining user profiles, configuring settings, or creating instances of custom types, this shorthand trick streamlines the process, resulting in cleaner and more expressive code.

12. Append Multiple Values To A Slice

// Long form
numbers := []int{1, 2, 3}

arr := []int{4, 5, 6}

for i := range arr {
  numbers = append(numbers, arr[i])

// Shorthand
numbers := []int{1, 2, 3}
numbers = append(numbers, []int{4, 5, 6}...)

Benefit: This shorthand streamlines list manipulations and enhances the efficiency of slice operations.

Use Case: This is particularly handy when dealing with dynamic datasets or when you want to avoid modifying the original slices.

Whether it’s building a collection, concatenating slices, or handling dynamic data, the combination of append and ... ensures a concise and expressive representation in your code.

13. Create and Initialize Maps At Once

// Long form
colors := make(map[string]string)
colors["red"] = "#ff0000"
colors["green"] = "#00ff00"

// Shorthand
colors := map[string]string{
    "red":   "#ff0000",
    "green": "#00ff00",

Benefit: This idiom enhances code readability and simplifies the representation of key-value pairs.

Use Case: In scenarios where you need to define and populate a map in one go, this shorthand trick proves highly efficient.

14. Define Multiple Constants

// Long form
const pi float64 = 3.14159
const maxAttempts int = 3

// Shorthand
const (
    pi          = 3.14159
    maxAttempts = 3

Benefit: This idiom streamlines the process of grouping related constants. We can define multiple constants within a single const block. This not only improves readability but also helps maintain a consistent style when defining multiple constants.

Use Case: When you have a set of constants that logically belong together, the shorthand trick of defining them within a single const block is beneficial.

Wrapping up

As we wrap up our exploration of Golang’s shorthand tricks, it’s clear that these concise techniques offer more than just brevity.

They provide a streamlined approach to common coding patterns, enhancing readability and reducing boilerplate. From variable declaration to map initialization, these shorthand methods empower developers to express complex ideas with simplicity.

So, go ahead, and embrace the elegance of Golang shorthand. Let these tricks be your creative companions for clean and effective code.

Happy coding and let the knowledge flow! 🚀💻

P.S. — Don’t hesitate to add a comment if you know any other Golang shorthand tricks!

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