Golang — 1 Minute Guide to Useful Tips and Libraries in 2022

By experience, we find out a short way by a long wandering.
Mar 7 2022 · 3 min read


Do you have 1 minute? If yes, that’s enough to know the latest Golang tips and libraries.

In this article, we’ll have a quick look at a few most essential libraries and tips that make your day-to-day development effective and easy.

Note — Think of these as more of a guideline to start with. I would also advise you to later explore on your own as guidelines differ significantly based on project requirements and use cases.

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Let's Begin!

Use Go Modules 

It is Go’s dependency management system, that makes dependency version information simple, explicit, and easy to manage. From this article, you can start using go modules in your application.

Use Gin

Gin is widely used for building web APIs and microservices. It is an HTTP web framework that provides much better performance and faster response. If you want your API’s response in just a few milliseconds, try it out.

Use a Repository structure 

When we are building applications, there are variables that we want to use in the whole project. These variables can be databases or any other important variables. Making them global to use in the whole app is not a wise decision. To avoid it, use the repository structure.

Use SQLX for database queries

If you love to write MySql queries, then use sqlx for the database. It provides an easy way to do database transactions with queries.

Secure APIs

Always make a practice to add authentication on your APIs to make them secure. One possible solution is to use JWT authentication. Jwt-go library supports the parsing and verification as well as the generation and signing of the JWT Token. It is a simple and easy-to-use library for authentication.

Create Microservices

Every API or function should provide only one specific functionality. For example, If we want to delete a user with its session, then it contains two functionalities delete the user and delete the session. Then it should have two different functions. So we can reuse it anywhere.


Logging is required to track any errors or bugs in the application. There are many logging libraries like Zap, Logrus, etc... They provide log levels like trace, debug, warn, info, error, fatal, and panic. We can use them as per our requirements.

Use HttpTest and assert for testing 

Testing is a more essential part of any successful product. Here are supporting libraries for writing effective testing on application features.

Redigo for Redis connection 

The Redis database is used for caching mostly. Redigo is a client library to implement Redis in go.

Use CI/CD to automate development

CI/CD becomes a must-have thing to make the development process automatic. Automate all manual tasks like linting, and testing without worrying too much.

Use pre-commit hooks

Tasks like formatting code using go fmt., or git pull (updating code using git), we don’t want to spend much time every time, Free up some time to configure pre-commit hooks and automate them before committing

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sumita-k image
Sumita Kevat
Sumita is an experienced software developer with 5+ years in web development. Proficient in front-end and back-end technologies for creating scalable and efficient web applications. Passionate about staying current with emerging technologies to deliver.

sumita-k image
Sumita Kevat
Sumita is an experienced software developer with 5+ years in web development. Proficient in front-end and back-end technologies for creating scalable and efficient web applications. Passionate about staying current with emerging technologies to deliver.


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